Mechanical analysis and simulations

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  • Mechanical analysis and simulations

This is our core expertise from day one. Over the years we had the privilege of solving many design problems.
Accurate dynamics, mechanical analysis and prediction shortens the the development process for products subjected to regular or accidental extreme conditions- from airborne equipment to smartphones dropped carelessly on a concrete floor.
We rely on our experience, simulation machines, and our own predictive methods.
Our proprietary Nodal Analysis System, is a powerful and accurate analysis tool for impact and high-energy scenarios, enabling us to predict failure points of any given system within a variety of scenarios, swiftly and efficiently. This tool is highly effective in preliminary design stages, without need for detailed design and itterations in getting instant results for a multitude of design variations.

Markets served:
  • Electronics
  • Office and industrial systems
  • Automotive industries
  • Process Engineering
  • Medical Device Developers
  • Impact and shock Analysis
  • Dynamic and fatigue Analysis
  • Thermal stress analysis
  • Failure analysis and problem solving